Mon -Fri 10:00-18:00

Mon -Fri 10:00-18:00

Dallas Fort Worth

Diana D Williams LLC

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Learning Culture

People Development

Services We Provide


Confidential and supportive coaching services for individuals and/or groups. LEARN MORE


Improving processes and performance with innovative people interventions. LEARN MORE


Professional moderator or professor transferring knowledge to adult students

An Interesting Perspective

About Us

As a former academic, my love for learning at all levels, individual, group, and organizational, was borne from my acquaintance with the insightful works of scholars like Edgar H. Schein, John C. Maxwell, and Peter Senge. As I began to understand how everything in our world connects us with some type of organization, it became obvious that the leaders of those organizations play a crucial role in the effectiveness within those organizations.

With the turn of the 21st century and the unprecedented changes that it ushered in, and being a part of the blue collar workforce myself, I was able to use my graduate-level education while in a non-managerial position to better understand the existing gap between managers and workers, and ways to effectively close that gap with strategic learning. It is this gap that our services are designed to fill.

Let’s talk Value Proposition

Imagine for just a moment, having the vantage of a graduate education that has yielded two graduate degrees, one in leadership and another in psychology, while working as a non-managerial employee in several blue collar companies. This anomaly creates an incredible opportunity to observe and experience first-hand the typical interactions between leaders and employees, especially the non graduate-level leaders functioning in many workplaces today.

Those personal observations and interactions became the basis and impetus for developmental programs I create. The overall agenda is to create a new organizational and people paradigm for leaders that upskills their practical skills in a way that complements the true needs of the modern workforce they must lead, relate to, and rely upon to achieve goals.

Diana D. Williams, Chief Learning Facilitator

Our bimonthly podcast,

Learner to Leader, is here!

The focus and primary goal of Learner to Leader Podcast is to share learning that transforms learners, as well as the lives that those learners touch. Our vision is always to transition from individual learning to group learning, and finally to organizational learning which is the true driving force of competitive edge and continued market relevance.


Some of Our Sides



The Power of Alignment

Alignment creates synergy where the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts. We see the power of synergy when we watch a well-played championship game.


Optimizing Strategy

The strategies to solve many workplace problems are housed in people. When people feel valued and respected by their employers, they become willing to share.

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    Episode #1

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