Workshop Details

It’s Your Time!
This self-directed workshop is designed to help you understand how you are designed. Everything created is designed for the purpose it is created. No creator creates anything without a purpose or need. The design of what is created, reflects the need or purpose for which it is created.
For this reason, when you understand your design, you will better understand your best purpose(s).
Limited email support is available throughout the workshop.
At the conclusion of the workshop, you will have the option and access to schedule a 1.5 hour virtual coaching session to review and assist you with clarity of your Profile, Personal Vision, and Mission Statement. This review coaching session is only available after you have submitted to Coach Diana Dee, via email, all workshop assignments, including your GALLUP and spiritual gifts assessments.
Please be advised that the GALLUP assessment is not included in your workshop price, and must be purchased from the GALLUP website for $24.99.
If you are interested in pursuing a comprehensive session with a Certified GALLUP Coach, upon request, one will be recommended to you. Pricing and arrangements must be made with that professional.
(Disclaimer: Coach Diana Dee is not certified as a GALLUP StrengthsFinder Coach.)
QUESTIONS: If you have questions, please schedule a FREE 30-minute Workshop inquiry session. SCHEDULE HERE.)